Leena Vainio TUNTUMA Galleria Uusi Kipinä, Kulma Kymintie 1, 15140 Lahti avoinna ti-pe klo 12-18 ja la-su klo 16-18 16.1.–3.2.2019...

All Blood Flows Red
I am falling to fall after the rainy, cold summer - it had its rare wonderful sunny moments though. The days are shorter and the green is...

What do I do, doobedoo
These daily photos are pics and pieces of my recent working/works in progress at the studio. Daily is also the theme of AC ( Art...

Summertime / Kesässä
Aino Venna Kesäyö I have posted ( in my earlier blog ) the recent Finnish version of Summertime but I just have to do that again: it is...

Ja käki kukkui
Sweet summer night 21.- 22.5.2016 @Raumanmeri.