All Blood Flows Red
I am falling to fall after the rainy, cold summer - it had its rare wonderful sunny moments though. The days are shorter and the green is...

Baren Baren goes Voipaala
Soon will open up a group exhibition @Voipaala Art Centre. Everything is packed and we are ready to start building the exhibition!...

What do I do, doobedoo
These daily photos are pics and pieces of my recent working/works in progress at the studio. Daily is also the theme of AC ( Art...

Baren Baren ja Luopioisten kesä
Baren Baren Helena Perkiö, Heidi Piippo, Maija Teppo ja Leena Vainio LÄHELLÄ 18.6.-20.8.2016 avoinna ti-la klo 10-15 Mikkolan Navetta,...

Joy of Colors / Iloa Väreistä
Taidekerhon näyttely 16.–23.4.2016 Art Workshop Exhibition Iloa väreistä – Joy of Colors Avajaiset 16.4. klo 13–15 Vernissage...

Artmumma tulee!
Opiskelijamummosta on kuoriutumassa taiteilijamummo.